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:: About the Journal ::
 | Post date: 2020/09/6 | 
In this regard, the Pazhouhesh Name-ye Quran va Hadith Journal examines the ethics of conducting research work, observance of the principle of trusteeship, human principles in conducting scientific research, as well as ethical principles in the field of publication and adoption of laws such as publication ethics (COPE)(“This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws”), the Open Access Publishers Scientific Articles Association (OASPA) as well as the belief in open access of researchers to the published scientific articles , so it has expressed its views on this issue:

A: The Ethics of the Journal:
1-The Journal believes that the access of all addresses and scholars to the published scientific materials should be free and no cost.
2. The principles of ethics in science and the observance of the principle of trust must be respected in the scientific community and researchers.
3. The authors of articles should avoid any copying and forging of information in the articles submitted to the publication.
4. The journal will be act against with author / authors who have forged information or disregarded trust in the production of the article and submitting to the journal seriously. After the fact of clarification at each stage of the review, or even after the publication of the article, will be act against it and this issue will be announced on the website of the journal and the offenders will be on the blacklist of the journal's authors.
5. The journal will refrain from reviewing or accepting articles from people who are on the blacklist of authors in the future.
6. If after the publication of the article, it is determined that the author / authors has committed an offence in the publication of the article (including forgery of information, non-observance of the principle of trusteeship, lying, etc.), the article is deleted from the list of archives of the article, in addition to informing the next issue of the journal and website, also the names of the offenders will be on the black list of authors.
7. The journal will refrain to publish scientific articles that have not adhered to ethics in science.
8. In the review of the complaint, the journal will always maintain unbiased observance and will strive to make decisions fairly and fairly.
9. In the event of a mistake by the journal in the information provided in an article, the journal will courageously accept its mistake by correcting the mistake through reprinting the correct information and announcing it in the next publications of the journal and website.
10. The journal provided the author's commitment form and attempted to comply with the rights of the authors.
11. The journal is diligent in preserving the trustfulness principle in the content of the articles and endeavors to comply with intellectual property rights of the authors.
12. The journal provides complete clarification to its audience by providing its full and adequate explanations on its website on the ethics of the publication, the formulation of the author's guide, the scope and areas for the publication of articles.
13. The journal has believed in the principle of impartial refereeing of articles and refuses to publish the articles that have not been refereed or have been unfairly refereed.
14. The publication believes that in the acceptance of the papers, the process of arbitration must be fully completed and at least two referees from the first three arbitrators have a positive opinion on the paper.
15. The publication believes that, in order to avoid adherence or to allow for possible review in the proceedings of the articles, the arbitration is made in twofold form: the writer / writers of the articles concerning the names of the judges and the referees, as well as the names of the authors of the article, Species are not known.
16- The journal tries to ensure that refereeing forms for all received articles as well as the process of refereeing for all articles are treated equally and fairly.
17. The journal tries to make the refereeing process transparently and with the utmost care.
18. The journal will carry out the necessary examinations regarding the objection of the authors to the results of the refereeing, and, if necessary, decide on the appointment of new referees and conduct re-refereeing process.
19- About the complaints received from the published articles in the journal concerning fraud, copying and ... , the journal in the first review of the issue in the editorial board of the journal, will perform the necessary measures for a more detailed examination and, while observing fairness and complete neutrality in refereeing , will inform the parties of the results of it.

Ethics for referees:
20. Dear referees should be care of the refereeing process of each article and proceed according to the refereeing form prescribed by the publication and with due observance of fairness and scientific criteria for the refereeing of the article.
21. Dear referees should always try to not refrain the constructive suggestions to authors during reviewing the articles to improve the quality of the article.
22. Dear referees should have the trusteeship during refereeing the received articles.
23. Dear referees should do their utmost to expedite the refereeing and always consider the timetable for conducting it.
24. Dear referees should give notice to the editor of the matter regarding cases in which it is probable that an unfair refereeing will be made about a specific article in order to be able to change the referee.

Authors' Ethics:
25. Dear authors, you should refrain from any copying without mentioning the source, forgery in the data and ... which is somehow considered as fraudulent in writing.
26. Dear authors, you should not be allowed to simultaneously submit the article to several publications.
27. Dear authors, you should be careful about observing the schedule for editing or answering the referees' answers.
28. Dear authors, you should refer the research funding that led to the presentation of the article.
29. Dear authors, you should complete the article information on the website of the Journal.
30. Dear authors, you should submit a letter of intent to submit the article and encourage the co-authors to arrange them before submitting the article.
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مجله پژوهش نامه قرآن و حدیث pazhouhesh name-ye quran va hadith
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