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:: Volume 15, Issue 30 (7-2022) ::
3 2022, 15(30): 185-203 Back to browse issues page
The Concept of "Corruption on the Earth" in Verses, Narratives and Interpretation Views
Janan Omidvar , Mehdi Motie 1
Abstract:   (524 Views)
"Corruption on the earth" is known as a serious crime because its punishment is deprivation of life. Despite the importance of the issue, there is no consensus and clear definition regarding the concepts and examples of this crime in jurisprudential and legal sources. The purpose of this research is to find out the meaning of the Holy Lawgiver from the use of the term "corruption on the earth". In this regard, the text of the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths of the infallibles (as), as well as the views of some commentators, have been examined regardless of legal and jurisprudential modifications. The phrase "corruption on the earth" is used in verses and traditions in different concepts and examples, among them: Corruption, economic crimes, hypocrisy, disbelief, polytheism, banditry, cruelty and rebellion. Finally, it will be clear that there is no independent criminal title called "corruption on the earth" in the Holy Sharīʿah; rather, "fighting with the intention of corrupting on the earth" is a crime that falls under the set of Divine boundaries.
Keywords: Corruption, Earth, Verses, Hadiths, Fighting, Corruption on the earth.
Full-Text [PDF 303 kb]   (877 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/07/12 | Accepted: 2022/07/1 | Published: 2022/07/1
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Omidvar J, Motie M. The Concept of "Corruption on the Earth" in Verses, Narratives and Interpretation Views. 3 2022; 15 (30) :185-203
URL: http://pnmag.ir/article-1-1453-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 30 (7-2022) Back to browse issues page
مجله پژوهش نامه قرآن و حدیث pazhouhesh name-ye quran va hadith
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